Have you ever seen a teddy bear sunflower in action?
Sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers. While spring is bursting into bloom with so many colourful blossoms that is hard to focus on just one, sunflowers bide their time, waiting until mid summer to open, when most other flowers have given way to fruits and seed.
Teddy bears aren't just any sunflower, they're sunflowers on STEROIDS. Just look at those fluff stuffed flower heads!
Teddy bears are aptly named because of their cuddly, fluffy, fully-double flowers. They're a dwarf variety, growing only 2-5 feet in stature, and perfect for middle or border planting, pots, and of course, cutting.
Edible? Yep! Sunflower seeds might be a treasured treat, but you can also use the flower petals to brighten up a dish or tea blend as well as extracting sunflower oil to use, whether in herbal preparations or culinary ventures.
Medicinal? You know it! Well, maybe you wouldn't have guessed it otherwise, but you know I always highlight those common backyard medicinals you never knew to look for 😉
Helianthus annuus
(from Greek helios = Sun and Anthos = flower & annuus = annual)
Leaves are expectorant, diuretic and astringent. Sunflower leaf tea helps to reduce fever. The poultice of leaves is applied on sores, spider/snake bites, and swellings or used for headaches.
Seeds can be utilized for chronic inflammatory conditions, bacterial and fungal infections, cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases bronchial asthma, muscle cramps, hypertension, pcos symptoms, and migraines. In folk medicine, seeds were even used for epilepsy!